UK Secretary Alok Sharma, making a point during his visit to Viathan plant in Lekki, with Habeeb Alebiosu and Faruk Agoro Viathan CEO and Director paying attention.
L-R Habeeb Alebiosu Viathan CEO, Alok Sharma UK Secretary of State for International Development, Catriona Laing UK High Commissioner to Nigeria, Faruk Agoro, Viathan Director, Graham Wrigley, CDC Chairman.
Uk Secretary of State, Alok Sharma, Viathan CEO, Habeeb Alebiosu having a discussion when the UK/DFID team paid a visit to Viathans Lekki plant
Viathan CEO, Habeeb Alebiosu giving details on the power plant engine room to the UK Secretary and his team.
Faruk Agoro, Viathan Director making a point during the UK/DFID/CDC visit.